My work is deeply collaborative.

It is shaped by both teachers, mentors and writers from afar. I offer my profound gratitude to each of them.

Angie Thurston
Sue Phillips
Vanessa Zoltan
Ariana Nedelman
Stephanie Paulsell
Kerry Maloney
Dudley Rose
Matt Potts
Mark Jordan
David Hempton
Richard Parker
Charlotte Millar
Seth Godin
Erik Martínez Resly
Ken Beldon
Burns Stanfield
Nancy Ammerman
Jeff Lee
Gil Rendle
John Dorhauer
Carol Zinn
Mary Dacey
Neil Hamilton
Sue Mosteller
Solitaire Townsend
Kathleen McTigue
Jane Shaw
Peter Block
Walter Brueggeman
Margaret Wheatley
Larry Gordon
Patty Cuyler
John O’Donohue
Richard Holloway
Richard Rohr
Donella Meadows
Abraham Joshua Heschel
Henri Nouwen

I'm also grateful to researcher Sarah E. K. Lentz, who offers a framework for our spiritual lives that focuses on connection within four categories: self, community, environment, and transcendent.


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